The most popular Text/Healine Font on America Online!!! Over 2,000 downloads from previous versions!!!
Version 2.0
Font ID: 1960, 1992
Font Size: 66k & 81k
Thank you for downloading this font. I sincerely hope you like my labor of love, because I worked very hard to see it to its completion.
Daily Planet Black is a True Type™ font that was created with Aldus SuperPaint and Altsys Fontographer 4.0.4.
Daily Planet Black is an interpretation of a newspaper masthead font. Big, bold and in your face, Daily Planet is a striking black text font. Also included in this archive is Daily Planet-BlackItalic, a new addition to the family.
Daily Planet-Black has complete upper and lower case sets. Numbers and shift-numbers are also present. D.P. also has most punctuation characters, including correct quotes and brackets. This font looks best at point sizes 14 and above. While it will print at lower sizes, it is best larger.
Daily Planet-Black is copyright Adam Wunn 1994. You may distribute it to friends and enemies as well as online services, Internet and BBS’s provided that this read me file is included. I officialy release this font into the e-mail ware realm. By law of guilt, you are required to send me an e-mail message telling me how much you love or hate my font. If you cannot e-mail or don’t even know or care what electronic mail is, then just smile. Hey if you don’t like the font, pass it along to someone else.
You may not sell this font for profit or include it with any commercial package. You may include it on nominal charge shareware disks. Each person or alien may not have more 56,789 copies at any time of this font. Also no one may use this font at point sizes above 500,000,000,000.
I absolutely forbid this font to be used to display propeganda or racial slurs. You may not use this font to display hateful or derogatory messages. There is enough hate in this world, I will not allow my font to be used to communicate such awful sentiments.
Any suggestions for improvements are welcome as are reports of errors. I have an open mind, so feel free to vent yours.
Thanks again for taking time to download my creation and read this document. Enjoy the new edition to your already bloated type library.
Adam Wunn
Version History:
1.0-Initial Release
1.2 (Not Released to the Public)-Fixed kerning problems, added 12 characters including some punctuation.
1.3 (Not Released to the Public)-Redrew the font to clean up some rough points. Added an italic version.
2.0-Added 20 characters which makes DP a great font.
Version 3.0 will be a complete redraw of the font. I have made some breakthroughs in the field of font creation, so I plan to pass along the improvements to the user. No more rough points!
Long live Phil Collins!
True Type™ is a registered trademark of Apple Computers Incorporated.